
Roland “Flint” C. Sheldon

October 7, 1928 - June 5, 2022
candle-small flame
RT Foard
candle-small flame
Nick Albia Jr
candle-small flame
Robin Meadows
candle-small flame
Taye Jordan Light a candle
Light a Candle
R.T. Foard Funeral Home, P.A. - Chesapeake City
318 George St.
Chesapeake City , Maryland 21915
410-885-5916 | Map
Thursday 6/9, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
R.T. Foard Funeral Home, P.A. - Chesapeake City
318 George St.
Chesapeake City , Maryland 21915
410-885-5916 | Map
Thursday 6/9, 2:00 pm
Bethel Cemetery
312 Bethel Cemetery Road
Chesapeake City, MD 21915
Thursday 6/9

Roland, better known as Flint to his family and friends, age 93, passed away on June 5, 2022. Flint graduated from Chesapeake City High School class of 1946 and was the son of Gladys (Cooling) Sheldon and Frank P. Sheldon, Sr, both deceased.   Flint worked for many years on the metal industry retiring afterContinue Reading

Carye Whitescarver Bone left a message on November 12, 2022:
I met Roland in 1980 when I played for the Oklahoma Sooners college softball team. Roland was the sweetest man who kept up with me even after graduating from OU calling me once a year on my birthday for 33 years. Four of those years were while I lived in Calgary, Canada. The last time I talked to Roland, he told me his health was going downhill. I told him I could let him go as long as he could tell me he knew Jesus. He assured me that he did and it was one of our sweetest conversations I shall never forget. I grieve as one with hope knowing Roland is with my Lord and walking without a cane. I shall look forward to the day I see him again. My condolences to the family of this sweet man.
Nick Albia Jr left a message on June 8, 2022:
I met Flint while working at the Elkton Acme. I grew up in Clayton, Delaware and just happened to know Mrs. Margaret Hurd, who was a very close friend of Flints. I told him that our backyards connected and that I knew her very well. He was quite pleased to know that and we became pals from then on. I always looked for him every Friday and we always chatted and cut up with each other. I retired five years ago and had spoken to him just in the past several months. He was a good man and I’m glad I was able to call him my friend. RIP Flint!!
Robin Meadows left a message on June 7, 2022:
In memory of Roland "Flint" C. Sheldon, Robin Meadows lit a candle
Taye Jordan left a message on June 7, 2022:
Sorry for your loss..
Nick Blendy left a message on June 6, 2022:
I had the pleasure to be Flint's next-door neighbor for nearly two decades and will cherish (and miss) his many stories (can't share them all publicly) and family and local memories. We enjoyed watching the many ships, tugs, boats, bikes, and horses from his favorite room.
RT Foard left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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