
Mrs. Kathryn Marie Eller

September 23, 1932 - June 6, 2022
candle-small flame
RT Foard
candle-small flame
Michael Frame and Thersea Chestnet
candle-small flame
Addy Eller
candle-small flame
Wanda Donovan Light a candle
Light a Candle
R.T. Foard Funeral Home, P.A. - Rising Sun
111 S. Queen St.
Rising Sun, MD 21911
410-658-6030 | Map
Monday 6/13, 10:00 am - 11:00 am
R.T. Foard Funeral Home, P.A. - Rising Sun
111 S. Queen St.
Rising Sun, MD 21911
410-658-6030 | Map
Monday 6/13, 11:00 am
New London Presbyterian Cemetery
1986 Newark Road
New London, PA 19360
Monday 6/13, 12:00 pm

Kathryn Marie Eller, age 89 of Conowingo, MD passed away on Monday, June 6, 2022.  She was born on September 23,1932 in West Chester, PA to the late Minnie (Darlington) and James Kincade Williams Sr. Kathryn and her husband Charles J. Eller Sr.  were married in April of 1956 and started their family the sameContinue Reading

Michael Frame and Thersea Chestnet left a message on June 9, 2022:
Rest in Peace
Addy Eller left a message on June 8, 2022:
Wanda Donovan left a message on June 7, 2022:
Miss you mom. Love you forever.
RT Foard left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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