
Leah Marie Phillips

April 16, 2009 - December 21, 2011
candle-small flame
RT Foard Light a candle Light a candle
Light a Candle

Leah Marie Phillips, 2 years old, of Elkton, MD passed away on Wednesday, December 21, 2011. Leah was born on April 16, 2009 in Elkton, MD. She enjoyed playing at the park and living life with her big brother Danny. She is survived by her parents, Amy Combs and Daniel Phillips Jr. of Elkton, MD;Continue Reading

stephanie piner left a message on December 29, 2011:
Darling Leah Marie, as the softness of heaven touches your tender body I pray for your family.... that they will gain strength in every precious memory of you. May you Rest In Peace Angel.....<3
Melodie Grubb-Fritsch left a message on December 29, 2011:
Baby Leah, I remember the day you were born, you were so tiny. I called you my 'lil peanut'. I have been best friends with your mom mom for over 30 years and think of her kids as my nieces so of course I considered you as one of my nieces. I will always love you and you take care of your pop pop up there. We will see each other again someday, but until then you take care and look over your mommy, daddy, brother and the rest of your family. Rest in Peace lil peanut. I love you, always!
Gwen Bogia left a message on December 27, 2011:
While I never had the opportunity to meet Leah, I am so very saddened by her passing. I work at Chase with Holly and I've heard numerous stories about this precious little angel. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Brenda Hunt left a message on December 27, 2011:
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
Heather left a message on December 27, 2011:
Amy...Words can not express how sorry i am that this happened. Just know that she is now your angel! Its going to be a tough next couple of days but you have to stay strong! *Leah watch over your mommy, daddy, Danny and the rest of your family!* We will all certainly miss you!!!!
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Shaw Family left a message on December 27, 2011:
Baby Leah, Although your life on earth was short you touched many, many hearts. Although we only had the pleasure of seeing you a few times we all will miss you very much. You are now in Heaven with your grandpa and some day we will all reunite. All our love, Aunt Linda, Uncle Tom, Kyle, Tommy and Great Grandma Margaret.
dawn sexton left a message on December 26, 2011:
to heavens new lil angel, baby leah i wake up every day hoping to hear u say ur best friend and big brothers name, or come lookin for me and ask if im cookin dinner in that cute lil squeeky voice of yours. you are truely going to be missed but will always be in my heart. you were an angel on earth and although your time was short u have impacted my life and others in so many ways. not a minute goes by that i dont think about ur sweet lil smile as u ran thru my house playin with all my babys. we all love u and miss you so much. rest in peace baby leah. until we meet again. love u all my life love, dawn, trinity, nikolai, zachary and flavius.
RT Foard left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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