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Gail Marie Jean Raul

February 23, 1941 - December 30, 2016
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Light a Candle

Gail Marie Jean Raul, 75, of Church Hill, MD passed away peacefully on Friday, December 30, 2016. Born on February 23, 1941 in Troy, NY, she was the daughter of the late Louis Belle and Flora Belle (Pratt) Littlejohn. Gail loved the beach, fishing, boating, collecting shells, camping and dancing. She would do these thingsContinue Reading

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Kathleen Saunders left a message on December 29, 2018:
Mom, I think of you everyday. My heart is do Sad at times. I've lost my best friend and nothing can ever replace the love we had. Everyday is a struggle, but I know I will see you again. I love and miss you so mom.
Love Kitten
Patricia Arnold left a message on July 30, 2018:
Dream of you every single night Momma. You were holding me telling me that everything is going to be okay last night. It was so so real. I love you and still make you laugh in my dreams. My heart is still so heavy Momma...
Patricia Arnold left a message on March 24, 2018:
Mom...Dad entered the kingdom of heaven last night. I know he greeted you, please take of him. He loved you till the very end, because he told us just before he parted. I love you both
Patricia Arnold left a message on January 10, 2018:
So many tears, so many memories and its still not enough. Dad will be joining you soon Mom... please watch over him. I need you Mom...
Kathleen Saunders left a message on December 29, 2017:
Mom, The pain has been unbearable at times this year without you. No matter how many candles I light or tributes I have, or spots of ours I visit it will never fill that void. Thank you for your visit and bringing Annaleen to me. The best gift you've ever given me. The peace I feel knowing your watching over her for me is heartfelt. I love you more more and miss you and Ricky immensely.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Patricia Arnold left a message on November 2, 2017:
Mom I cant even begin to tell how much I miss you. I'm struggling Mom.
Patricia Arnold left a message on July 29, 2017:
Mom, today is Ricks Birthday. I hope you both are celebrating in heaven. Hug each other for me. The pain of losing you both is unbearable. I love you Mom and Rick so so much.
Patricia Arnold left a message on July 2, 2017:
You and Michael at 9 months old.I remember this day so well. Never seen you so happy. I love you Mom, xoxo
Patricia Arnold left a message on July 2, 2017:
Thinking of you on this holiday Momma and my beautiful brother Rick. I miss you both terribly and will forever until I see you again, Love you both so much.
Patricia Arnold left a message on May 9, 2017:
"Happy Mothers Day" to you Mom in Heaven.
I am struggling without you, although I know
you are with me. The pain is unbearable.
I miss you with all my heart and love you
more Momma. Always stay, I need you...
Patricia Arnold left a message on April 16, 2017:
Happy Easter Momma,
Having to deal with your loss is unbearable at times. Theres no one or nothing that can
make this easier. I keep holding on to our last moment together when you kissed us
on the cheek. Momma, I know you are with me. Kiss Rick for me, for I know you
both are with me because you send me so so many signs. I love you for all Eternity
Patricia Arnold left a message on April 16, 2017:
Thinking of you on this Blessed wonderful day Momma and Rick,
Please never leave me xoxo
Kathleen A Saunders left a message on April 16, 2017:
Lighting a candle for you and Rick this Easter mom. Will not be the same, nothing ever will. I love you and miss you both so much. Sometimes it's hard the breath thru the tears, but I feel you both always with me with the butterflys and feathers that always show up. Love you both more, more. Happy Easter and GOD Bless us all.
Patricia Arnold left a message on April 13, 2017:
Missing you Momma, dreaming of you every single night helps me through the heart wrenching pain.
My heart aches for you every minute of every day...I love you so...
Patricia Aprilliano left a message on March 21, 2017:
Still dreaming of you Mom. Missed hearing you sing Happy Birthday to me. Watch over Dad please Momma.
I love you more....xoxo
Kathleen Saunders left a message on March 11, 2017:
What happened Mom, look at those smiles, we once were united.
Patricia Arnold left a message on March 7, 2017:
Thank you for all the signs and beautiful dreams Momma. Thank you for your reassurance and love from the heavens above. I am so happy knowing you are with me, my tears turn into smiles.
I love you more!!!!! Always and and me
Kathleen A Saunders left a message on March 6, 2017:
So missing you mom,went to our favorite spot on your birthday and laid flowers for you and Rick and let balloons go, sat n cried and talked to you both for awhile but seems nothing I do takes the pain away, so love and miss you.
Patricia Arnold left a message on February 22, 2017:
Happy Early Birthday Mom.
I miss you so much, my heart is
broken over and over again.
I know you will be watching over us
smiling and whispering don't' cry, but
that's something I can't do right now or
maybe even never Mom. I love you and
will see you again one day.
Until then,
I will carry you with me. I love you always
Kathleen A Saunders left a message on February 15, 2017:
I set a rose aside your picture yesterday Mom wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day. I love more, love you Angel.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Patricia Arnold left a message on February 12, 2017:
Thinking of you today and everyday. Walking through Boscov's "our store" without you was hard to do. But Halee helped me through it. We have so many memories in there, and a very funny recent memory that still makes us laugh till we cry. Thank you for being there in my dreams, I know you see it all! We love you Mom xoxo
Kathleen Saunders left a message on February 7, 2017:
You used to laugh when I called them Flutters, love you mom
Kathleen Saunders left a message on February 7, 2017:
He misses you so much Mom!
Kathleen A Saunders left a message on February 7, 2017:
Thank you. Mom and Rick for watching over me during my operation, I felt so calm and loved watching you both smiling and telling me mom, everything will be ok Darling, love n miss you both
Patricia Arnold left a message on February 6, 2017:
Mom...holding you close to me everyday. Thank you for all the beautiful dreams. I know you are letting me know you are with me, I know you are always...I love you Mom
Kathleen A Saunders left a message on January 27, 2017:
Dearest Mom, Everyday has been a struggle, I miss you more than anything in life. My heart feels like it's breaking more and more everday. I don't know how or when I'll forward on, feel so lost. I love you so so much.
Patricia Arnold left a message on January 17, 2017:
Holding on to the last moments you gave me, Halee and Butchie. God gave us that hour to love each other without interference. You kissed us and smiled and whispered I love you. I will carry that forever, no one could ever be more blessed. I love you Momma...
Patricia Arnold left a message on January 17, 2017:
Hand and hand, that's the way it was always meant to be Mom, thank you for this beautiful moment. It was gods timing for us. I love you so much
Patricia Arnold left a message on January 11, 2017:
Missing you Mom everyday. I am content with knowing you are at peace. I know you are with us. I am and will always be the apple of your eye. Thank you for all our your love, and the private things only a mother and daughter share. We will always remember all the wonderful times we had...I know you loved the way I made you laugh and I will miss that. Mom, I LOVE YOU MORE XOXOXO
Kathleen A Saunders left a message on January 8, 2017:
We are Mother & Daughter, but we were also like sisters and friends too. Words cannot express my sadness, pain, hugs, kisses and the longing to hear your voice
I love more, more MOM ❤
Kathleen Saunders left a message on January 6, 2017:
Words cannot explain my pain of losing you Mom. I'm so honored to have been there til you went to our LORD and Ricky. I loved you so unconditionally and forever hold you in my heart. I'm also so honored to have been one of your daughters. Our road trips will bring me joy. You were by far the best Mother any kids could have ever asked for. I love you so so much. I will also miss you immensely. My heart feels like it's shattered in a million pieces right now. But I have comfort bowing you are no longer in pain. GOD Bless you MOM
Ashley Thompson left a message on January 5, 2017:
Aunt Gail is what you asked me to call you and I will forever call you wishing I had the chance to see you when mom was there. That's all you ever wanted and asked for. I know your in heaven looking and watching me but I'm trying to do my best at this.... forever in my heart and will always be by my side. Will always love and miss you dearly and all your wonderful stories you shared and all the people you made me think of that I never knew but you told them like they cared about me and how we were so much alike... i just wish I had the chance to hear one more story again... I love you Gail always and forever. And I promise I'm trying My hardest to be strong! Rest In Peace my beautiful aunt ❤ god has a beautiful angel with him and Ill see you again soon when our times reach! Xoxo❤❤❤❤
TR Manning left a message on January 5, 2017:
We miss you so much!
JOHN APRILLIANO left a message on January 4, 2017:
Thomas Manning left a message on January 4, 2017:
Im sorry mommom, be with god and i love you. We will all see you one day. Untill that day may you be in gods grace. Xoxoxoxox
Joyce Kobasa left a message on January 4, 2017:
Remembering Gail, my first cousin, whom I have not seen since about 1962. I often thought of all those times when we were kids...wading in the creeks and running from the spiders, eating jelly beans, riding on the Oil Mill Hill carousal, and going to the Country and Western dances with our Moms. So glad I was able to contact you recently and chat with you over the phone. Remember you always. Love, your cousin, Joyce.
patricia arnold left a message on January 3, 2017:
I miss you immensely. Thank you for holding on that last hour, you kissed us and whispered I love you, but Mom...I love you more. I feel blessed to have had those precious moments, i will always carry that memory until we meet again. Forever and Always I will be the Apple of your eye. I love you Mom , Your Daughter & Friend
patricia arnold left a message on January 3, 2017:
Remembering you Mom, happy happy years xoxo
Patricia Arnold left a message on January 3, 2017:
You will always be in my heart Mom
Patricia Arnold left a message on January 3, 2017:
Remembering you precious Mother. Thank you for loving me with all your heart. I know you are with me... Forever and Always I will miss you, Love you more...xoxo
RT Foard left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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