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Edward L. Koffenberger Sr.

July 4, 1926 - September 21, 2014
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Light a Candle
First Presbyterian Church
351 Biddle Street
Chesapeake City, MD 21915
Saturday 10/11, 11:00 am
First Presbyterian Church
351 Biddle Street
Chesapeake City, MD 21915
Saturday 10/11, 12:00 pm

Edward L. Koffenberger Sr., age 88 years of Cokesbury Village, died September 21, 2014. He was born in Wilmington, Del. on July 4, 1926 the son of Arthur W. Koffenberger and Natalie T. Koffenberger. He graduated from P.S. DuPont High School in 1944. He graduated from Duke University’s Engineering School in 1947 with a BSME.Continue Reading

Jack Salvador left a message on October 18, 2014:
To the Koffenberger Family: Kim, Michelle, Lawrence and I offer our condolences to your family for the loss of Mr. Koffenberger, your family patriarch. I had met Mr. and Mrs. K. only a couple of times over the years, but have heard countless stories of his kindness, strength, steadfastness, devotion and incredible skills from both Chuck and Susan. We always were always amazed at this devotion to Duke athletics, and also by his continuing athleticism, and only wish we had been able to get to spend more time with the family. We wish you all the best in these difficult days. Jack Salvador, Kim Chan, Michelle & Lawrence Chan.
Dick Emmert left a message on October 7, 2014:
I was saddened by the passing of my very good friend and long-time tennis buddy, Ed Koffenberger. It was about 45 years ago that Ed and I began playing tennis together, and we soon became fast friends and a regular doubles team. Along the way, we won a few trophies and garnered some valued rankings, but most importantly, became friends for life. Ed was a supportive and constructive partner who always managed to ignore my errors. Not surprisingly, we travelled together to many tennis events, and our friendship extended to our wives, Winnie and Marilyn. I remember when the four of us went to San Antonio where Ed and I played in the National Senior Olympics, our get-togethers at the Jersey Shore where we both have had houses for many years, and our attendance together at University of Delaware football games. Ed and I also had a professional relationship in the DuPont Company, where I came to admire his competence. But, overarching it all, Ed was a truly good person and one who will be missed by many people. With sadness, Marilyn and I offer our condolences to Winnie and the rest of the family.
Bill Lynch left a message on October 3, 2014:
I first met "Uncle" Ed in 1970 when I was a freshman at the University of Delaware. Like others, I remember being impressed with his athletic and career accomplishments, but what I remember most is the loving family that he and Aunt Winnie presented to the world. It was always a pleasure to visit them with my family and feel very much a part of their family. I think the world is a better place for having had an Ed Koffenberger Sr. in it for 88 years. We shall all have to increase our efforts to try to fill the gap he has left.
Joseph Baltz left a message on October 1, 2014:
I would like to offer my condolences to the family of Ed Koffenberger, and especially his wife, Winnie. I was an engineering student at Duke University from 1999-2003. During that time, I received the "Ed and Winifred Koffenberger" scholarship. I know that without their generous financial assistance, I would not have been able to receive my education and be where I am today. I had the fortune of meeting and sharing a meal with both Ed and Winnie at the school of engineering alumni banquet. I enjoyed my time speaking with them and sharing stories about our lives. I just wanted to again express my appreciation for what he and Winnie have done over the years to support me and other engineering students at Duke. Their gift to me has inspired my own giving of support to the Engineering Annual fund so that I may help "pay it forward" to other other students. The world has lost a great man, but in many ways and through the many lives he has touched, his legacy lives on.
Ralph & Jan Kidder Family left a message on September 30, 2014:
Our family has been privileged to know Ed & Winnie and their Children, since our 1st child was born in 1972. Their daughter, Barbie helped me so much, when I had a lengthy illness. Winnie & Ed were like surrogate parents (and grandparents) to our 3 children, and we have so many delightful memories of our times spent with them while we lived in Newark, DE, until 1979. Since then, we have maintained our friendship, even with our family being in other States. They are the most delightful and loving family I've ever met, and always have room in their hearts for many others, as well. We are so sad to hear of Ed's passing, and know that he is basking in the joy of Heaven and that great Reunion with all his loved ones who have gone before. Our prayers are for each one of you to find all the comfort you need, at this difficult time in life. We love you. Ralph & Jan Kidder and Family, Brownsburg, IN
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Kate Moonan left a message on September 30, 2014:
Just about a week ago I lost my wonderful and loving grandfather Edward Koffenberger. I cannot believe such a wonderful man is no longer with us. He taught me so many things: how to sail, value education, love Duke basketball and hate the Tar Heels (just to name a few). He was a man who loved his family and the sea. Over the last week on Christopher's and my honeymoon, I have been reminded of this love over and over. With each sailboat that cruised by, each meal shared with loved ones, each bird that flew overhead and each smile from Chris' bright blue eyes I've thought of my beloved grandpa. Dedaddy, I cannot thank you enough for everything you showed and taught me. I will miss you so much and take pride in being your granddaughter. I love you Dedaddy.
Chris Chilcoat left a message on September 29, 2014:
I can't think of Dedaddy and not think of learning body surfing from him at the beach. I remember as a kid going out into the water one day and looking at Dedaddy, dad, and me all looking for the good waves and riding them in and taking a little while to appreciate that -- three generations of our family loving the game and applauding each other if one of us got a good one that carried us all the way to the shore. Those were golden moments I won't ever forget. It's still one of my favorite things in life to do. I don't have kids now, but if I ever do I'm going to make certain that I teach them to surf like my grandpa taught me and let that be a small part of his legacy. He was a strong and formidable man but always gentle and kind to me, and his home may have been my favorite place to visit growing up. It takes a certain kind of person and a certain kind of heart to make that happen. I'll miss you, Dedaddy, but I'll be seeing you again.
Lynn Mankin left a message on September 29, 2014:
My sincere condolences to Carol and family. I know how proud Carol was and is of her wonderful dad.
Jean Williams left a message on September 28, 2014:
I am a member of First Pres Newark. I have admired Ed for many years. His wisdom and gentle ways will be sorely missed. I so enjoyed discussing U of D basketball with Ed. Blessings to all of his family. Thank you for sharing him with us all these years. Jean Williams
Marybeth Weinacht left a message on September 28, 2014:
My thoughts and prayers are with all of the Koffenberger family. Mr. Koffenberger was a special man and he had a very big and full life. I remember him as intense but gentle, interested in people and very competetive all at the same time. The other thing I won't forget....although I forgot which kid did the picture of Mr . Koffenberger taking a nap around Christmas time, and one of the children decided he needed to be decorated :) Again, my thoughts are with you all, Love Marybeth( Bearer) Weinacht
Barbara Jo Apichella left a message on September 28, 2014:
I had the privilege of knowing Ed and Winnie through teaching and/or coaching most of their children at Newark High School. If there were more parents and student-athletes like the Koffenbergers, a teacher's/coach's job would be so much easier. They are one of the most delightful families I have ever known, and Ed was the head of it all, setting a fine example. He was a talented, beautiful soul who will be dearly missed by family and friends. After all his good works, may he rest now in the loving arms of his Savior, and may God give his loved ones comfort and peace.
Carol Koffenberger-Jones left a message on September 27, 2014:
Carol Koffenberger-Jones left a message on September 27, 2014:
Ed visiting Delaware School for the Deaf and sharing his basketball experiences with budding stars.
Peg Hartzell left a message on September 27, 2014:
My sympathy to the Koffenberger family. I never met Mr, Koffenberger but through this daughter, Carol, I feel that I knew him. He was greatly loved and will be missed. May you feel God's comfort and peace.
Jim Morris left a message on September 26, 2014:
I was sorry to hear of Ed's passing. Having just gone through loosing Carol, I can truly understand your pain. Jim Morris - Salisbury, Md.
Frances Paglia left a message on September 26, 2014:
I worked with Mr. Koffenberger when I was an admin. asst. in the DuPont Lycra(r) group. He was a very nice man, and I wish your family peace and comfort. Frances Paglia
Zee Lamb left a message on September 26, 2014:
Mrs. Winnie and family, I will miss Mr. Koffenberger at the Duke games. Our prayers are with you and your family.
Joe Lamb left a message on September 26, 2014:
I just met Mr and Mrs Koffenberger in recent years by sitting next to them at Duke basketball games. They were both a pleasure to talk to and Mr Koffenberger will be missed. I did not know he went to Carolina first. He was quite a steel from the Tar Heels!
Betsy Bergeron left a message on September 25, 2014:
My condolences to Laurie and the entire Koffenberger family. My dad, also a Duke athlete, baseball and football, from "back in the day" always spoke highly of Mr. Koffenberger. I know that he must have been a great dad, as well, because of the wonderful person that you are, Laurie. I enjoyed getting to know you and playing basketball with you at Duke. All my prayers to you and your family. - Betsy Bergeron, Duke '79
Mrs. T. Albritton left a message on September 25, 2014:
As a parent of a current Duke student, I greive for your loss eventhough I never met Mr. Koffenberger because Duke University is "Family". May the Peace of God be with your entire family and may the memories of his life bring you all everlasting joy.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Betty Conner left a message on September 25, 2014:
To Ed Koffenberger, Jr.--Just a note to let you know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of your classmates from the Huguenot High School Class of 1967. We send our heartfelt sympathy to you and your family.
Mike McKibbin left a message on September 25, 2014:
I have only met Mr. Koffenberger a few times, but feel I know him well from the stories his daughter Carol shared. Based on those stories the world was truly a better, more decent place because of Ed Koffenberger. A truly amazing man who lived an incredible life. His integrity, wisdom, spirit, gentleness, and faith have touched more lives than you can imagine.May Mr. Koffenberger rest in peace and may the lessons of a life well-lived continue to inspire us. God's love to his family and friends.
Demaris Hollembeak left a message on September 25, 2014:
I will always remember Ed's sweetness and humanity. I am one of Ed's Master Gardener colleagues. A soft-spoken man, Ed always had a smile and a kind word for us newbie Master Gardeners. I will certainly miss him. Demaris Hollembeak, MG Class of 2009
JT Koffenberger left a message on September 25, 2014:
Uncle Ed will be dearly missed. I'm glad he had the chance to meet Alex and Emily. Prayers and best wishes to Aunt Winnie and all! --JTK
Keith Hacker left a message on September 24, 2014:
God's blessings to Ed's legacy and his loved ones. DUKE forever!
RT Foard left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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