i all ready miss u all ready @At net works and u didn't get a chance to be in our new school
Dear miss Amber lynn benson u have not be forgotten this is my 5th year in networks . students and staff and teacher at networks miss u never be forgoten( Rip) . BFF 4 Ever and Ever From Your Bff Alex williams .Ps i did not get to Say good buy to u and have a gret easter break and i know that u are in heven And i am so Happy for u that u arw out of your wheelchair.
I just wanted you to know how sorry I was to hear about Amber. I was out of town and just found out today. I will always remember the many times she visited us in Ultrasound at A.I. She always had a smile on her face. She always was wearing her leopard clothes, which she loved. She had really matured into a lovely girl. She will be missed, but not forgotten. Your family is my prayers. Susan Cummings, Supervisor Ultrasound A.I.DHC
Our world lost a beautiful young person on Friday. Ambers smile, laugh, & love of life lit up every room she entered and touched many folks souls (including all our animal friends). Amber will always have a permanent smile on my heart when I recall the many memories we shared. May you rest pain-free & easily now my friend and know that YOU created many positive memories and taught many life lessons to a lot of folks in this lifetime. Rest easily my friend & know you truly made a difference....PEACE! Ms. D
For Ruth, Wayne and the rest of Amber s family...I just found out about Amber at work and I'm so sorry for your loss. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all during your time of need. If there is anything I can do please don't hestitate to ask.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
My condolences to the family and friends of Amber Benson. When one so full of life, hopes and dreams is taken away so young, we are truly reminded of how life is precious yet so fragile. Our Creator, is the Father of all tender mercies and comfort and does not deisre to see anyone suffer through sickness or death. He comforts us through HIs Word the Bible and guarantees that soon no one will have to experience the pain of death and suffering. All will enjoy eternal life on a Paradise earth never having to doubt whether or not we will fulfill our expectations. Those who have died will be restored back to life. Please be assured that this will come true.- 2 Corinthians 1:3,4; Revelation 21:4,5
Our heartfelt condolences go out to Amber's family. Although we hadn't seen Amber is quite some time--I do remember a happy and sassy young girl at the old Spinda Bifida functions. May she rest in peace.
Amber worked with us for a short time but she touched our lives forever. We will always remember her for her continuous smile, her kind and generous attention to those around her, and her indomitable spirit. We feel privileged to have worked with her and to have known her. The City Of Newark Alderman's Court Staff.
Amber we were so fortunate to have you in our family with your bubbly personality and big smile and the courage you had. We have lots of memories to keep you close in our hearts and minds, so many people and animals will keep you close remembering all you did for them. Mom Mom, PopPop and your Dad did wonderful raising such a nice young lady. Now you can see what MomMom and PopPop Tressler are doing and keep them in line. Love you always, til we meet again Aunt Linda
Jeff, Ruth Anne and Wayne, The volunteers at KINfolk would like to extend to you our deepest condolences. We knew Amber to be a beautiful, courageous young woman. She chose to be a wonderful example and role model to those who were fortunate enough to know her. We will keep your family in our prayers and remember Amber and the inspiring way she chose to live her life. Our lives are richer for having known her. God Speed.
Amber, it's been roughly five years since I saw you swim at U of D and was your SRO at Shue Middle School. Time goes by so fast and I would have enjoyed seeing you one last time before God decided to take you home. Our hearts are heavy right now but knowing you are in Heaven looking down on us will make this loss feel a little bit better. When you are looking down on us please keep your family and friends safe as we go about of days. We miss you Amber - God speed.
Amber, Only you would listen over and over and over again to my silly stories about animals. I had two more stories to tell you, but I'm positive that you know about both of them :) God so loved you for taking care of all his creatures great and small. I'm really going to miss you SO MUCH, but you gave me a LIFETIME of memories that I will cherish from all the fun times we had together. I will always see your smile and always hear your laughter. You made our parties COMPLETE. You blessed our lives and our family. Heaven gained an angel.
Amber was a beautiful person inside and out. It was an honor to know her and her wonderful grandparents. The world is a little darker without her light I was especially touched by her endless compassion for others...she had a TRUE gift for helping other people and also animals. I will never forget her.
Amber - what a beautiful person you were! You will be missed by many! May you now RIP Love Ms Burke & Kayla Burke (Networks)
amber you were my buddy for many yrs on the bus i have had thousands of children cross my path but so few who left such a footprint on my heart the hugs and kisses were the best your smile on the days we put you in the front seat to take your turn giveing out friday treats was worth it i know you are giving treats to all you still meet
Amber I want you to knowt that you were so much a part of my life. I enjoyed tormrnting you as much as you loved to mess with me. You were one amazing young lady and I hope that you are taken care of in heaven. I know your time with us on earth was to make everyone smile and appreciate the special way you treated everyone. I will miss you but never forget you. Love Uncle Dave
hey amber. i miss you so much! i miss coming home from work on the weekends to you so cheerfully asking me if i had fun at work and if i had a funny story to tell you would always laugh and if it wasnt a good day you would always say well at least you made money. i love that you could always see the bright side of things. im so glad that you allowed me to be your bowling partner all those years. you have taught me alot amber. you have taught me to always take things in stride and that i have to be thankful for what i have and not dwell over things i cant change. also i was thinking back to when my daddy passed and how much love and support you gave me i will always appreciate that. also i want to thank you for loving my family and my dogs. you taught them so much too. also thank you for sharing your daddy with me that also means alot to me. i go into your room at least once a day to sit on your bed and look at all your beautiful belongings it makes me feel close to you and i like that. iv never felt my heart hurt the way that it does now but whenever i think of your laugh and smile i get a warm feeling that takes the pain away for a minute. im so honored to call you my sister and my friend . im so happy for the memories i have of the times we shared at bowling and the beach and christmas at aunt lorraines and thaksgiving at mommoms. i hope you dont mind that im wearing one of your green bracelets i just wanted to have a piece of you everywhere i go. goldie and muffin miss you soo much and im so glad to know that you will be there to greet goldie with open arms when you two meet again. there is so much more i could say but some things i just cant put into words right now we can talk about them later i will alwayss lovee you forever and ever and ever and i will never stop missing you and every chance i get to celebrate your life i will take it! love always, Stephanie<3
Because I know Amber moved immediately to Guardian Angel! it is to Ruth Ann and Wayne and Jeff I send my deepest, heartfelt sympathy. How does one live a normal day when blessed with such courage made visible! How does one drink coffee in the same way when that perfect ray of sunshine, Amber's voice is not heard? I really do not know, none of us do, who are left to figure out all of this ...really none of us know, regardless of how our faith may shore us. To imagine the medical strides made because Amber faced them...how this will help others...how it has helped other young and vibrant spirits! Almost too much, is it not? She adored, adored, adored all of you and knew from the moment she was born not to be afraid because people loved her soul and spirit and would help her body stay as long as it could. Is there any love or life purpose more important than this? Unfortunately many do not know what the rewards of this kind of love and care needed every second of one's life...they don't get it. I feel sorry for them. Amber knew and so did the work as volunteer for Faithful friends and at AI DuPont. She received and gave..... We are not put here to do our thing we arrive on this earth to be surprized by what our real,real purpose might be and Ruth Ann and Wayne never doubt that your eye was on the sparrow and its ripple effect will be profound....I am so sorry and she was so beautiful and free...Love Sandy Brawders in California
Amber's light will continue to shine.She was such a ray of energy to all who knew her.Amber will be deeply missed, but never forgotten.Our thoughts go out to Jeff and his family.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
My darling Amber, You had the soul of an angel. Your smile brighten the stormiest day. Your laugh made the saddest person feel happiness again. You were the only person I knew who could love all things and never judge. You reminded me often of someone I once had in my life that portayed your spirit, love, and heart and I didn't think a person like that existed after that loss until I met YOU!! Heaven is going to be a busy place now that you have arrived in your classic, elegant, and sparkling style!! I feel honored to have had you in my life because not many people get that lucky. You made my family happier as soon as you entered it. We are the luckiest family on earth to have had you for so long! I will never forget your light that made my wedding day brighter, the look in your beautiful eyes when I told you about Johnny, and the love in your heart I felt whenever I was in a room with you! Someone told me, Thank you for being Amber's friend....my reply.....She wasn't just my friend....She was MY FAMILY!!!!!! I love you my darling Amber and you will remain close to my heart until we see each other again! Love always and forever....Bethy xoxoxoxo
Dear Amber, I am so sad to hear that I will no longer see your big smile. I will miss seeing you at Networks and the Newark library. I have memories of you dancing at the Newark prom and working and volunteering with you at Maclary preschool. Gone from here but not forgotten. Love, your friend, Eric DiSabatino
Dear Jeff and family, Duane and I were so very sorry to learn of the loss of your Amber. My you find comfort in the memories of your dear daughter. Our heartfelt condolences. Penni Frassico
Amber the light of your innocence brightened our world, and your generous heart embraced us all. I can see you dancing with the angels now. In quiet moments I can hear your laughter. We were blessed to have you here on earth. We love you and we miss you with all our hearts. XOXO
Amber, you were simply incredible. I will miss your vibrant, positive attitude, your contagious smile and your laughter. Your determination and dedication to helping others was unparalleled. Jeff, Wayne and Ruth Anne, I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Amber. She will not be forgotten. You raised an incredible young woman who left her mark on the world. I am honored to have been able to work with Amber.
Amber, You were the love of our lives -- our whole world. We cannot believe that you were taken from us so unexpectedly. Every room we walk into has so much that reminds us of you. You brought so much joy and happiness to us. How will we ever get along without you. The only thing that keeps us going is we know you will have no more pain and suffering and you won't have to do all the things that caused you so much aggravation. You can talk to Mom Mom and Pop Pop Tressler and keep everything straight in heaven. Our loss is heaven's gain! You will always be our hearts and minds. We will love you forever! Love, Mom Mom and Pop Pop Benson
You have held a special place in my heart for 18 years....I will never forget all of the memories we have shared..the laughter we created and joy you brought to me and everyone you met....the simple love of life you had was contageous....and you never said you couldn't do anything.. you were the love of your dads Pattys and your grandparents world....we are all honored to have had you touch our lives....my deepest condolences to all of us as we all lose such an amazing woman...we can take comfort that you walk as an angel with god and will look down on us until we meet us again...
Hi Amber, its as you always told everyone My CRAZZY Uncle checking in with you again. We are all sad that you had to leave as so unexpectedly this week. I know you would like to still be here with us all, especially Mom Mom & Pop Pop and your Daddy But, I think you had more important things to do right now in heaven. I will especially miss our times together when it was just You and I doing everyday things like making the perfect puzzle to save on a poster board or finding stuff for you on Ebay. I remember searching for your Cheetah stuff and John Cena cards. I will keep finding the new cards of John Cena at the card shows and put them in your binder for you. I will also send any neat pictures of things I find our see that I know you would enjoy to your emaiI so you can check them out whenever you like. I bet you are eating Banana flavored runts right now in heaven. LOL I see you left some here for me to have as well, Thank You. I went for a walk yesterday and was talking to you for about an hour. I know you heard me even though I couldn't hear you. I was thinking of how much fun you must be having now being able to walk and run around in heaven with all your new friends an our family members who were there to welcome you to your new home. I was wondering how big your new swimming pool is? It was good to know that we can still talk with you whenever we want. I wanted to let you know that you taught me many things that I didn't realize I had learned until after you went away to be Angel in heaven. You know what I'm speaking of, as we discussed them on my walk. I know you weren't surprised that I learned them because you enjoyed teaching all the kids at the schools and I was your big kid. It seems very quite around the house without you physically being here. I think its giving us time to reflect back on how happy we all were when you were here. We are all crying and smiling because you made us so happy. I told Mom Mom & Pop Pop that we will build a special puzzle for you this week and leave one piece out for you to finish as we know how much you liked putting in the last piece. I will be thinking of all those evening concerts you gave us signing in your unique way and know that you are all dressed up each evening still signing loudly for you newest audience. Say hello to Mom Mom Benson & Mom Mom & Pop Pop Tressler for us all before your next concert. I know they will be in the front row clapping the loudest for you. I could keeping writing all day as there are so many thing to say to you. But, I think we can just keep chatting on all my daily walks. I wanted to tell you that I think you are a great listener and its helping me understand a bit why you had to leave and help some others in heaven. I already MISS YOU and will LOVE YOU forever. Bye for now, I will see you soon on today's walk.
Hi Amber you will be missed and always i know you always smile even when you where upset every body at networks loved you even mis d we was haveing a good time i am sorry that you have to leave like this i love to be at faithful frineds. and you was right at the busniss leader ship always and for ever
My dear friend, close your eyes... hold my hand, and hear me whisper... For the times I was lost, you were there to look for me. Will you believe me when I say I love you more than you'll ever know. Will you trust me when I say ...this time you have to let me go. My dear friend, I must leave. The world no longer needs me. It's my time to be gone, until we meet again someday. Don't you cry now, I know I'll be okay. Trust that I'll never forget you. Don't be sad now, just close your eyes until it's through. Hold my hand, don't open your eyes yet... wait when I no longer whisper.. My dear friend, you'll be fine. I'll be up there watching over you. For the times I'll be gone, don't ever forget the words I whispered to you. God calls on my name... and I have to let go of your hand now... Please don't cry... and smile for me.. because I'm with the one who made us friends. Remember, I'll always love you. so come, wave me goodbye... It'll be painful but we have to... Hug me, hug me tight, feel the words I can no longer say. My dear friend, I'm going to miss you. just pray because I'll always listen. and one day, when it's your time, I'll be there for you... Just like the way I used to. ...I love you...
Jeff john and i send our deepest condolences for amber. she was always a joyful person. So very nice. she will be missed by the bowling world and special olympics.
God Bless our newest angel. My thoughts and prayers are with you Jeff and the family. Hope knowing how many people have you all in their thoughts and prayers will help you in this time of grief.
I never knew Amber, but I just had to read her Obituary. This young women had a wonderful life with her family & friends. She was loved so much, because she was so special here on earth. Please keep something that she wore with out washing it. So that her animals think she 's still around. Its hard to see them grieve. RIP Amber. They where Blessed to have you...
Our loss is heaven's gain! I don't think truer words have been or can be written about Amber. Her enthusiasm, strength and zeal for life was contagious and we are all blessed by having the opportunity to cross paths.
To the Bensons: I wanted to tell you that it has been a privilege knowing Amber for these past four years while attending Christiana High School. She could light up the room with her appearance and her smiling face. I will keep Amber and all of you in my prayers. Love, Cathy Everts
My Dearest Amber, Thank you for all the hugs and kisses that I will cherish forever and yes all the laughter. We had so much fun together . . . selfishly, I would have wanted more. I hope you really knew how much I admired you and how much you made my life better ALL THE TIME! You truly blessed our family . . . oh goodness, you fit right in from the very start! We were the LUCKY ONES and we really want to thank your Dad and your Mom Mom and Pop Pop for sharing you with us. I also need to send you a special hug and kiss from your best friend, Stella. She misses you and will always love you. You were the only one who could comfort Stella just the right way. You were an Angel to us in so many ways. I have no doubt that you are in God's loving arms and heaven is beaming BRIGHT! For you there should be some glitter too . . . our darling Amber Benson. If I may, just one more time, I really want to thank you for loving me. You will always be my niece and I will always be your Aunt Lorraine FOREVER.
Amber I will miss our daily chats and text messages. God blessed me by being at your birth, seeing you turn into the fine young lady you became and know while my heart hurts here heaven has a need for you. May you enjoy walking, running, and doing all the things you were not able to do here. Your Aunt Leysa loves you and knows you are only a prayer away. One day I will see you again. May you rest in peace. OXOX
Amber you gave me strength every day. I know all the bumps in the road in your life you had to overcome and you ALWAYS came out smiling, laughing and telling everyone it would be ok, you NEVER EVER deserved the hand you were given but you accepted it and never asked for any pity or anyone to feel bad for you. I know all the little animals in heaven have one great woman now to help take care of them. ALL YOUR FAMILY LOVES YOU AND WE WILL MISS YOU, You were the greatest gift I was ever given.
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.